Friday, March 27, 2015

Guest Review from Ethan A.

Ethan's review is very sweet. I think maybe Ethan and Evie should start a book club, because they are both amazing. 

I'm posting this review with a major SPOILER ALERT. Read on if you want to see if Bear gets better 😉

Bear Feels Sick
By Karma Wilson

     Bear is sick. Friends help him. Make soup. Give him big hugs. Bear is all better. 

Mommy: "Ethan, do you like this book?"
Ethan : "I like bear."

Guest Review from Evie W.

This is the perfect review for every two-year-old who is looking for something new to read. Also, it's adorable! Thanks, Evie! Good luck in the drawing!

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie

Mouse is silly and likes chocolate cookies. Me too. Mouse likes milk. Me too. Mouse is messy. Mommy make mouse clean up. I want a chocolate cookie.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Harry Potter Stuff and Another Giveaway

Sorry this blog is so late. You know I love Harry Potter, I just haven't been feeling very well. reports. Ugh.

So, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. HP. The Boy Who Lived. The Chosen One. Where do I even start??

I guess I should start by saying that as much as I love this book, it's only my third favorite of the series. One of the best parts about this book is that it gets me closer to Prisoner of Azkaban. I live for Prisoner of Azkaban.

This was my fifth time reading Sorcerer's Stone, and I'm still not tired of it. I love annoying Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, meeting Ron and Hermione on the Hogwarts Express, and attending first year classes. Even Potions.

My favorite part of this story is when Harry becomes seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. I would really love to play quidditch, but I would not like to get hit with a bludger. At all. Hopefully Fred and George would protect me.

I really hope you all enjoyed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I think this book is a great pick for anybody who likes adventures, mysteries, or for any muggles who would like to become a witch or wizard. You know, just like me.

I would really like to hear how you all liked the book. Please comment here, and share your thoughts. I am still planning on having a wizard open house at the library. It probably won't be until after my spring break. I will keep you all posted.

And now that all that business has been taken care of, I have some exciting news!


After the article in the Burbank Leader, I had a lot of fans of the library leave donations. I got A TON of books. So. Many. Books. Some lovely and mysterious person even left a gift card to Barnes and Noble! (THANK YOU!) I used half of the gift card to buy new books for the library, and the other half...well...I'm giving it away! 

My birthday is Saturday, March 28th. The perfect day to give a present to one lucky reader! I'll draw the winning name as soon as I'm done eating my cake. 7pm, just like before.

Same rules as the last one. To enter, write a review of any book you choose, and email it to ELLASLITTLELIBRARY@GMAIL.COM. Leave your name, and address. Remember the review doesn't have to be crazy, or five pages long. Just tell me what book you read, why you liked it (or didn't), and who you would recommend it to. That's it! That's all you have to do to win $25 to Barnes and Noble!

I hope you muggles remember that the more reviews you give me, the more entries you get in my magical fish bowl! If somebody gave me ten reviews, then they would get ten chances to win!

Now, before I sign off, one last thing,


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Book Club Open House and Other Stuff

I had a really fun time reading all your reviews, and giving away the gift card to Barnes and Noble! Congratulations on your big win, Penelope! I think we will definitely do another giveaway soon.

But in the meantime, we are finishing up the second month of Ella's Little Library's book club! Only a few days left until the new book is announced! I hope you are all enjoying Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I love really Harry Potter...

This is a picture of me loving Harry Potter. we are going to be doing this book club a little differently than last month. We will still do the online discussion on 2/28, but this time I am also going to host a wizard's open house at the library!

Stop by between 11am-1pm on Saturday, March 7. Come in your finest wizard wear, grab a snack, check out a book, and get to know other witches and wizards...and maybe some muggles too.

I can't wait to see everyone in person to talk about my favorite stories!


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Guest Review from James R.

James has made a trip to my library a part of his dog walking route. He stops by all the time. Thanks for all your support and for the review, James. Good luck in the drawing!

James and the Giant Peach is by Roald Dahl. It is about a young boy named James who goes on adventures inside a giant peach. My favorite part is when the centipede yells, "That was Sponge!" after the peach rolls over James' mean aunt.  I also liked when the creatures and James yell, "oh hooray he's going to play for us!" when the old green grasshopper pulls out his violin.  I like this book because it's inspiring and magical. You should read it because it's a nice, exciting, funny and kind story. You will love this story even if your name is not James!

Guest Review from Soraya G.

Soraya is Penelope's big sister. She's reviewing The Fault in Our Stars, which I haven't read, but I'm sure it's awesome because it takes place in Indiana. Thanks for your review, Soraya! Good luck!


The Fault in our Stars by John Green is a 5 star book for me! I absolutely love this book because it isn't a classic love story it is more original. Even though it is very sad and makes me cry every time it still has a great moral too it which I think is that, sometimes life isn't always great but if you make the best of it, it can be great even just for a little while. I highly suggest this book if you're a little older because it teaches you so many lessons, and it is just plain out great

Guest Review from Jill T.

Jill is awesome! Aside from being my aunt, she has taken care of lots of tiny people. It is really great to hear about a book that has helped her so much with her little ones. Thanks for the review, Chiabo! Good luck in the drawing!

For my book review, I chose a book of essays called Ido in Autismland. I usually like to read novels but I really loved this book.

It's written by a 13 year old boy who's nonverbal with autism. There is something so special about being able to read someone's words who otherwise wouldn't be able to voice them. It makes every word that much more precious.

I liked this book because it gave me insight into a world that I would otherwise know nothing about. I work with children who have a similar diagnosis. This book gave us hope and changed lots of things for us. I would recommend it to absolutely anyone. I loved it so much!

P.S. I feel like I should also mention how much I loved revisiting Matilda and her story. Miss Honey has always been such an inspiration to me. Her character showed me the type of caregiver I'd like to be. Thanks for suggesting it! I can't wait to revisit Hogwarts! I'm so very proud of you!